Punch Miss Perfect In the Mouth

Your Wallet Will Thank You

Miss Perfect, dressed to the nines, flawless hair, and freshly done nails – she strides through your mental space in her fashionable heels, assessing and judging.

She’s that voice whispering in your ear, “you must do everything exactly right!”

“A budget? Don’t bother unless you can track every penny. Investing? You’d better know exactly what you’re doing first. Cut back on takeout? Please you’ll fail after two days.”

Miss Perfect doesn’t just think you’ll fail, she doesn’t want you to even try.

Here’s the thing about perfection: it’s an illusion, and it’s keeping you broke, stuck, and scared. The pursuit of perfect doesn’t make you better. It makes you paralyzed.

She’s your enemy. And it’s time to punch her in her perfect mouth.

The High Cost of Perfection

Perfection is not only financially expensive – it costs you time, opportunity, and peace of mind.

Waiting for the perfect moment to start saving means losing years of compound interest. Holding off on investing because you’re scared of making a mistake means missing out on growth. Obsessing over every detail of a spreadsheet instead of taking action means staying in the same place while everyone else is moving forward.

Investment Paralysis: The Cost of Not Starting

Miss Perfect convinces you to wait until you’ve “done enough research,” but meanwhile, your money sits idle in a low-yield savings account.


That’s a $15,426 difference, all because Miss Perfect told you it wasn’t the “right time” to invest.

Time Wasted: The Hidden Cost of Overthinking

Miss Perfect loves to hijack your time, convincing you to plan endlessly instead of acting.


Who knows the opportunities you will miss because Miss Perfect convinces you you’re not ready, or not good enough. And usually, one thing can lead to another. So missing out on one opportunity automatically denies you access to the following ones.

The Emotional Cost of Perfection: Burn Out and Stress

Obsessing over perfect execution can lead to burnout. It impacts your productivity and decision-making.

Miss Perfect likes a stressed out, burnt out you. It keeps you right where she wants you – stuck and miserable.

Miss Perfect’s Arsenal

Miss Perfect has a well-stocked arsenal to keep you stuck, scared, and spiraling. Let’s break down her three go-to moves so you can spot and disarm them.


Miss Perfect is a big fan of pointing out how much better everyone else is doing (or at least how much better they look to be doing).

The truth? You’re probably comparing your start to someone else’s highlight reel. Miss Perfect wants you to forget this is your journey, and no one else’s. Comparison is a waste of your precious time and energy.


Miss Perfect loves absolutes.

This black-and-white thinking keeps you stuck in neutral, convincing you that imperfect action is the same as failure. But here’s the truth: saving $50 a month is better than saving nothing. A small payment on your debt is still progress.

Miss Perfect’s “all or nothing” attitude is designed to make you fail before you even start.


Miss Perfect piles on the fear of looking foolish.

But here’s the thing: no one cares as much as she wants you to think. 

Miss Perfect thrives on your silence. Fear of what others might think keeps you from seeking guidance, asking questions, or even acknowledging where you need to improve.

Here’s the truth, you’re not here to impress her or anyone else. You’re here to live your life. That might mean making embarrassing mistakes and feeling like a fool from time to time.

Progress Beats Perfection

Miss Perfect doesn’t want you to know that trying and failing is the best way to win.

Progress isn’t about flawless execution; it’s about learning, adjusting, and moving forward. Even if it’s in fits and starts.

Here’s the power of small wins that Miss Perfect doesn’t want you to know:

Every imperfect action you take is a step toward your goals. Miss Perfect’s all-or-nothing mindset, by contrast, leads to one guaranteed outcome: nothing.

How to Punch Miss Perfect

Next time you’re trying something new and Miss Perfect shows up with her impossibly high standards and arsenal of weapons – just smile and say, “hold my beer.” Then punch her in the mouth.

So, how do we punch her in the mouth?

Embrace Imperfection.
Start your budget, open the investment account, pack one lunch this week – knowing full well you’re going to fail. Imperfection is where the magic happens because it’s where you learn.

Imagine Miss Perfect clutching her pearls at your handwritten, coffee-stained budget. Or fainting at the thought of you purchasing your first index fund before even knowing what an ETF is! Make her head explode with all the ‘failures’ that are making you better and smarter than her.

Focus on Action, Not Outcome.
Set goals that revolve around effort rather than results. Instead of “Save $10,000 in six months,” try “set up 10% auto savings.” Even if you end up transferring back 5% at the end of the month, or you have to spend $3000 on a car repair. You will have accomplished the task of setting up the auto save.

Fixating on a single desired result, that may or may not be attainable, can lead to frustration and giving up. Instead, focus only on actions you can control. You will build habits that compound into long-term success.

Miss Perfect hates when people aren’t distracted by her window dressing of achieving perfect results.

Celebrate the Ugly Wins.
Did you make an awkward, clunky financial move that still kinda worked? High five! Discover you’ve accidentally been paying twice for a subscription you haven’t used in two years? Take a victory lap!

Nothing infuriates Miss Perfect more than your happiness. So, hunt down every little win, no matter how small, and celebrate it. While you’re dancing in joy, she’ll be pouting in the corner like the wallflower nobody invited to the party.

Practical Next Steps

My Miss Perfect

I have battled Miss Perfect. In my 20s, she made me second-guess every decision, worry endlessly about what others thought, and constantly compare myself to people who seemed to have it all figured out. She had me wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger.

By my 30s, under her watchful eye, I was exactly where I didn’t want to be: broke, stuck, and scared. But then I got mad. Really mad. And when the anger boiled over, I decided it was time for a revolution.

The first casualty? Caring what other people thought. Funny thing—when you assume everyone already thinks you’re a loser, you realize there’s nothing really to lose. That shift was liberating.

Next came admitting the hard truth: I had no idea how to do “life.” Miss Perfect loves to keep you pretending, acting like you’ve got it all together. But the moment I let go of that façade, I could finally start learning.

Financially, discovering the F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement was like finding a map in the middle of the wilderness. It wasn’t just about money, it was about hope. Hope that even someone who had messed up as much as I had could get back on track.

I started small: tracking expenses, reading blogs, and identifying what really mattered to me. Step by step, I faced my fears and took action. Small wins started to add up.

Fast forward to my 40s: I’m financially secure, confident, and ready to handle most of what life throws my way. Sure, I still lean on loved ones now and then, and every so often, Miss Perfect escapes her cage and tries to stir up chaos.

But she doesn’t seem so big and scary anymore – and I do enjoy purposely taunting her sometimes.

Your Turn

What’s one thing Miss Perfect has stopped you from trying? And more importantly, what’s one imperfect step you’re taking today to fight back?

Let me know in the comments, and let’s kick her out of our financial lives forever. Because the life you want isn’t built on being perfect, it’s built on showing up, trying, and never letting fear hold you back.

Messy progress makes Miss Perfect miserable. So let’s roll up our sleeves and make her cry off her perfectly applied mascara!

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